It's our pleasure to announce a Special Event Station in the Nijmegen region, South-East Netherlands, celebrating the 100th edition of the famous and internationally well-known event Four Days Marches.

The Four Days Marches are a walking achievement event for four consecutive days, in which annually 42,000 walkers are participating. On those days, people from all over the world come to Nijmegen to walk in and around the city and its beautiful wooded surroundings.
Thousands of spectators are cheering on the walkers along the route every day. After four days of walking a glorious entry along the Via Gladiola awaits the walker followed by receiving their well-deserved Four Days Medal.
Special event station PA100FDM will be active during 28 days from June 28th to July 26th 2016 and is made possible by several amateur radio operators from the region.
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