Here are our selected and categorised links that are worthwhile mentioning.
Our own Special Event Station

Other Special Event Stations related to Operation Market Garden
PI9NLM, operating from the Liberation Museum in Groesbeek
PA70PARA, operating from Arnhem
PA70POLISH, operating from Driel
PA70GINKEL, operating from the "Ginkelse Hei" near Ede
PH70MG, operating from Keent (Grave)
PA70AIRBORNE, operating from Ede
PA70XXX, no further information yet
HF70OMG, operating from Skawina, Poland
Organizations related to Operation Market Garden
Dropping Groesbeek - Groesbeek meets the 82nd Airtborne

Other links related to (70 years) OMG
If you have more useful links, please drop us a note here.