Our galleries (e.g. preliminary activities, event activities and closing activities) with pictures (and video-/audiotracks) throughout all the activities of each stage. Click on a thumbnail to open the gallery or click on the video-/audiotrack.
Background info Operation Veritable
(Live) streams
Together with Scottish veterans of the 51st Highland Division the liberation of Gennep, 70 years ago, will be commemorated in the cities of Gennep, Ottersum and Milsbeek. The 2015 'Commemoration Ceremony Liberation Gennep' will start in the morning with a ceremony on the Niers bridge in Gennep which will be given a second name: 'Highlander Bridge'.
At 11:30 local time (10:30 Scottish time) a memorial service will be held for the Veterans in the church of Milsbeek. This service will be streamed live on the Youtube channel of NiMa TV below.
In the afternoon there will be a commemoration ceremony on the Militairy Field of Honor in Milsbeek.
As of Monday, February 9th to Friday, February 13th, summaries of all the activities which took place from February 6th to February 8th, will be broadcasted on a regular base on the Youtube channel of NiMa TV below.
Preliminary activities (before February 6th 2015)

in the tourist office of Gennep on February 1st 2015.
Event activities (from February 6th to March 4th 2015)

Kroon in the city of Gennep with the PA7ØOV team and a
group of World War II re-enactors. A bagpipe player gives
a performance at the hotel where the Scottish veterans
also had their dinner at the same time.
and Milsbeek, 70 years ago, was commemorated and
celebrated. The Niers bridge was given the title of honour
'Highlanderbridge', thus being revealed on a special way.
PA2P (Jan) handling the pile-up.
Courtesy Carl Gorse.
(7,074.5 kHz). PA2P (Jan) handling the pile-up.
Courtesy PA3ETC (Hans).