The city of Gennep celebrates the 400th anniversary of the town hall.
It's our pleasure to announce a special event station commemorating the 400th anniversary of the Gennep town hall: PG4ØØTH.
This special event station is made possible by several amateur radio operators from the Gennep region.
The activities of Special Event Station PG4ØØTH will take place throughout the year 2017 during 4 timeslots of each 4 weeks.
These timeslots will be disclosed after the licensing agreements are made with the Dutch Telecom Agency.
Our latest application has been granted by our Telecom Agency and PG4ØØTH will be on the air again for the fourth and last time this year from November 1st to November 28th 2017.
All the incoming QSL cards and our outgoing QSL cards will be preferably processed by the Dutch QSL bureau.
Direct cards via
The VERON branch Nijmegen Fieldday will be held July 8th to July 9th 2017. For the occasion the callsign PG4ØØTH will be used and, of course, the location will be Gennep city.
The Fieldday is a collaborative project with IVN Maas & Niers. IVN is a Dutch institute for nature and sustainability. IVN kindly invited us to set up our station at their location (see pictures and map at the right).
Both days are open days and IVN, as well as VERON branch Nijmegen, will give demonstrations and presentations, next to the activities of PG4ØØTH.
The activities of IVN and VERON branche Nijmegen coincide with the festivities related to the celebration of 400 years City Hall in Gennep city.
Everybody is welcomed to visit us and the IVN on the fantastic nature park of IVN in Gennep.
Since march 1978, the local branch Nijmegen of the VERON issues the Noviomagum Certificate.
On the occasion of "400 years Town Hall Gennep" the rules to obtain the Noviomagum certificate have been altered.
Due to the fact that this is a memorial year the Noviomagum cerficate has some additional rules. One QSO with special event station PG4ØØTH counts for 3 QSO´s. Furthermore will each QSO, that has been confirmed with a QSL card of special event station PG4ØØTH, be valid for 2 QSO´s.
The award is available to licensed amateurs or SWL´s.
You need either a total of 10 HF points or a total of 30 VHF/UHF/SHF points for an application for the Noviomagum award.
All QSL-cards valid for the award will show the text: "This QSL-card is valid for the Noviomagum award."
There are no limitations in date, band or mode.
You can apply for the award by sending an extract of your logbook to the Award Manager. This extract needs to be signed by two licensed HAM´s or a clubofficial.
The fee for the award is the postage fee for:
The Application Form download Button will be activated after we have received a Twitter message from you.
The address of the Award Manager Noviomagum Certificate is at the right side.
Contacts with the clubstation PI4NYM: x 3.
HF bands - contacts made outside of Europe: x 2.
Only for the Netherlands - contacts made by a station with an N-license: x 2.
Contacts made on/above 432 MHz: x 2.
Contacts made on 144 MHz:
Special Multiplier PG4ØØTH - One QSO with special event station PG4ØØTH: x 3.
Special Multiplier PG4ØØTH - One QSO confirmed with a QSL-card of special event station PG4ØØTH: x 2.